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Your Toothbrush Needs Cleaning Too—Here’s How It’s Done!

May 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 1:24 pm
Father and son brushing teeth together

You’ve heard it your whole life—clean your teeth! The best way to keep your smile healthy is by brushing your teeth. But did you know that your brush needs to be cleaned too? Without taking the proper steps, you could be putting your teeth in contact with bacteria that builds up over time. And, during COVID-19, sanitation takes on a whole new meaning. Thankfully, your dentist has provided some useful information on how to clean your toothbrush. Read on to learn more!

How to Care for Your Brush

Proper care for your toothbrush is incredibly important because it ensures that you’re cleaning your teeth the most effectively. After you’ve rinsed your brush thoroughly in water, stand it on it’s handle and make sure it’s in an open area to airdry—away from other toothbrushes. Your brush should also be stored at least 6 feet away from the toilet. While it sounds gross, bacteria from that area of your bathroom can travel, so it’s best to keep your brush at a safe distance. Additionally, watch the condition of your brush bristles. When they begin to fray, or after 3 to 4 months, your toothbrush needs to be replaced. Lastly, while it may seem obvious, be sure not to share your toothbrush with anyone else because this is an easy way for germs to spread.

Disinfecting Your Bristles

By disinfecting your brush bristles, you’re going the extra mile to prevent additional health issues, especially if you’re recovering from a respiratory illness, or if you want to help prevent them during this time. In order to disinfect your toothbrush, you can follow these easy yet effective steps:

  • Swish your brush bristles in antibacterial mouthwash for about 30 seconds.
  • Dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda into a cup of water and soak your brush.
  • Soak your bristles in vinegar one night a week for routine disinfecting.
  • Dilute 1 teaspoon of 3% strength hydrogen peroxide in 1 cup of water and swish the toothbrush bristles in the solution before you brush.
  • Dissolve a denture cleansing tablet based on the instructions and soak your toothbrush head in the solution.

You can choose the routine that works best for your schedule, but regularly disinfecting your brush will help your oral and overall health.

Keeping your brush clean is as easy as that! Remember these pro tips from your dentist to ensure that you’re setting yourself up for success when it comes to brushing!

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Rashpal Deol understands that times are uncertain, and people want to do all they can to stay safe and healthy, which is why he has offered some tips for proper toothbrush maintenance. He is also ready to help his patients in a deep cleaned and sterilized office. If you have any questions, he can be contacted through his website or by phone at (925) 735-6190.

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