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Oral Appliance Therapy – San Ramon, CA

Personalized Sleep Apnea Treatment

Have you tried managing your sleep apnea symptoms with CPAP therapy only to find that you were unable to tolerate the machine? To get the quality slumber you need, it may be a good idea to switch to another form of sleep apnea treatment – namely, personalized oral appliances provided by the experts at Oak Ridge Dental. Give us a call if you’re interested in pursuing a more comfortable solution to sleep-disordered breathing.

Why Choose Oak Ridge Dental for Oral Appliance Therapy?

What is Oral Appliance Therapy?

Close-up of a sleep apnea oral appliance in San Ramon, CA

Oral appliance therapy is a method for treating sleep apnea, a disorder that repeatedly interrupts your breathing while you’re asleep. The way an oral appliance works is very simple: all you need to do is put it in your mouth before you go to bed. It will move your jaw slightly forward, which can lower the chances of airway obstructions occurring. Don’t worry about comfort; the oral appliance will be designed with your unique mouth in mind.

Who's a Good Candidate for Oral Appliance Therapy?

Man with sleep apnea snoring in bed

Is oral appliance therapy viable in your case? That depends on how severe your sleep disorder is. Usually, oral appliances work best for patients who have mild or moderate sleep apnea. Of course, before you pursue any sort of treatment, you need to receive a proper diagnosis. Talk to your doctor about having a sleep test performed. Once it has been confirmed that you have sleep apnea, you can contact us to ask about oral appliance therapy.

What Are the Benefits of Oral Appliance Therapy?

Close-up of a man sleeping soundly in bed

There are several reasons why plenty of patients choose oral appliance therapy to get their sleep apnea symptoms under control:

How Can Oral Appliance Therapy Help CPAP Patients?

Woman lying in bed and sleeping peacefully

CPAP therapy is often seen as the gold standard for treating sleep apnea. Despite that, however, many patients still choose to make the switch to oral appliances. There are a few reasons for this.

First of all, there’s the matter of comfort. Some people have a hard time tolerating the masks used for CPAP therapy but find oral appliances to be easier to wear. On top of that, a CPAP machine can make a lot of noise while you’re trying to sleep. Meanwhile, oral appliances don’t make any sounds, so they won’t disturb you or other nearby sleepers.

Note that sometimes oral appliance therapy can sometimes be combined with CPAP therapy. This often makes it possible to use a lower setting on the CPAP machine since the oral appliance is already helping to maintain an open airway.

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