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Your Dentist in San Ramon Shares the Best Way to Care for Your Teeth at Work

September 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 3:33 pm

Woman with dental floss. Most of us like to enjoy a little snack at work during the day. Whether it may be that caramel corn that the office next door sent over as a gift, or those sour cream and onion potato chips you found in the breakroom, both types of snacks have the potential to leave you with a less than desirable dental situation. The caramel corn may leave kernels or caramel stuck in your teeth, while the potato chips could cause bad breath. Either way, wouldn’t it be nice to have some handy dental tools at your fingertips? Your dentist in San Ramon shares some helpful tips on protecting your teeth at work.

Keep a Toothbrush and Dental Floss in Your Desk

It may be time to consider bringing a toothbrush and some floss to work to keep in your desk if you’ve had some questionable snack or lunch experiences. This will not only benefit your oral health by keeping your teeth clean, it will also give you fresh breath throughout the day. It doesn’t hurt to have some dental floss around in case you get something stuck in between your teeth.

Avoid Junk Food

Sometimes it’s hard to avoid sweets and junk food when your co-workers are bringing in baked goods or other tempting treats. However, protect your oral health by reaching for fruits and vegetables when it’s time for that afternoon snack.

Fruits and veggies increase the saliva flow in your mouth, which helps to neutralize the acids that cause tooth decay and cavities. By snacking on fruits and vegetables you are doing both your body and your oral health a favor.

Drink Plenty of Water

Turn to water instead of Starbucks for your afternoon beverage. Water also helps to keep your body and mouth hydrated throughout the day, and it’s the best choice for your teeth.

If you do choose to drink that sugary pick-me-up, use the toothbrush in your desk to brush your teeth about 30 minutes after your sweet treat. This will allow your mouth time to return to a normal pH balance and help to remove any sugars that are remaining.

Do you have other questions or concerns about your oral health? Contact your dentist in San Ramon for more information, or to schedule your next appointment.

About the Author

Dr. Rashpal Deol has been providing patients in San Ramon, CA with comprehensive and high quality dentistry for many years. He likes to spend time educating his patients about their nutrition and oral health as he understands this directly relates to overall health and well-being.

If you would like to contact Dr. Deol, he can be reached by calling 925-735-6190 or through his website.

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