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Your Dentist in San Ramon Reveals Dental Habits You Should Never Skip

June 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 4:13 pm

Woman brushing her teeth. It may be easy to skip your evening brushing and flossing, especially after a long day when you’re tired and ready to climb into bed. However, it’s important to stay consistent with these and other dental habits in order to protect your oral health. Your dentist in San Ramon explains why these routines are important for not only your oral health, but also your overall health and well-being.

Brushing Your Teeth Before You go to Bed

It’s important that you brush your teeth twice each day, in the morning and before you go to bed. Brushing before bed is typically the habit that is easy to overlook since you may be tired or not feeling well.

However, if you skip brushing before bedtime, the bacteria that has gathered in your mouth throughout the day has even more time to sit on your teeth wreak havoc by breaking down tooth enamel and causing tooth decay. This also leaves time for plaque buildup to turn into hard to remove tartar.

Flossing Your Teeth at Least Once Each Day

Flossing your teeth may seem like an inconvenience, but it is a habit that is so important for maintaining your oral health, and it really doesn’t take much extra time.

Flossing removes the debris, bacteria, and plaque buildup that  occurs between your teeth. Your tooth brush just can’t get in between your teeth as well as dental floss.

It’s important to remove plaque from in between your teeth because, believe it or not, cavities can actually develop there. As a bonus, flossing your teeth will also give you fresh breath.

Visiting Your Dentist Consistently

It is recommended that you visit your dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup. While it may seem like no big deal to miss an appointment, it is actually a very big deal because your oral health is directly related to your overall health and well-being.

Recent information shows a link between periodontal health and other health concerns in the body such as diabetes and heart disease. We now understand that the bacteria that causes gum disease can potentially enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body contributing to the inflammation causing other health issues, and vice versa. Your dentist will screen you for gum disease at every examination.

Consistent dental visits also allow your dentist in San Ramon to detect other concerns such as oral cancer or tooth decay early on, which gives you the opportunity to utilize less complex and less costly treatment procedures.

If it’s time for your next dental visit, don’t delay. Contact your dentist to schedule your appointment.

About the Author

Dr. Rashpol Deol provides exceptional dental care to patients in San Ramon, CA. His friendly, patient, and caring demeanor make him the dentist that patients trust and look forward to visiting.

If you would like to contact Dr. Deol, he can be reached through his website or by calling 925-735-6190.

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