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Helpful Tips for Eliminating Bad Breath From Your Dentist in San Ramon

May 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 8:16 pm

Man covering his mouth. Bad breath, or halitosis can quickly become a problem without you even realizing it. Since it’s a topic that’s embarrassing to discuss, many people will just shy away from you without telling you why, and people may find you unapproachable. The good news is that there are solutions and your dentist in San Ramon can help!

What Causes Bad Breath?

From the foods and beverages we consume, to our individual lifestyle choices, there are many causes of halitosis. Certain foods like onions or garlic can certainly contribute, while habits like smoking cigarettes and tobacco use also cause bad breath.

Chronic halitosis can also be the underlying symptom of a bigger oral health problem known as periodontal (gum) disease. So it’s important to be proactive about visiting your dentist every six months for cleanings and checkups.

Getting Rid of Bad Breath

There are a few steps you can take on your own to help eliminate your halitosis such as:

  • Consistent daily brushing and flossing. When you floss your teeth it removes plaque and bacteria from in between your teeth that can cause foul odors in your mouth
  • Use an antibacterial mouth rinse. Consult your dentist for recommendations on the best product for your needs.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Chew sugarless gum. Chewing gum after meals stimulates saliva, which is your natural defense against the bacteria and acids that cause cavities and bad breath.
  • Brush your tongue. Including your tongue in your brushing routine eliminates the hidden bacteria that lives in its grooves.

If you find that these suggestions are not helping to eliminate your bad breath, it’s time for a checkup with your dentist to determine if gum disease may be the underlying cause of your halitosis.

Regular Dental Visits

For most patients, it’s recommended that you visit your dentist every six months. Your dentist will screen you for issues such as tooth decay and gum disease that can contribute to bad breath and other oral health concerns.

Your hygienist will remove the excess plaque from your teeth during your cleaning and offer helpful tips on how you can use proper brushing and flossing techniques at home to make the most of your home care routine.

If you have more questions about bad breath, or it’s time for your next appointment, please contact your dentist in San Ramon today.

About Oak Ridge Dental

Dr. Rashpal Deol has been taking exceptional care of patients in San Ramon for decades. His friendly and caring demeanor and the wide range of services that he offers make him the dentist in San Ramon that patients trust.

If you would like to contact Dr. Deol, he can be reached by calling 925-735-6190 or through his website.

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