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Dentist in San Ramon Reveals Why Now is the Time to Maximize Dental Insurance

November 19, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 7:32 pm

Woman having a dental examination. The end of the year is busy time! You are probably focused on holiday parties, gifts, and family gatherings, so the last thing on your mind is dental appointments. This is actually the perfect time of year to contact your dentist because you can make the most of your dental insurance before it runs out. Not sure what we’re talking about? Read on for answers from your dentist in San Ramon.

Understanding Dental Insurance

The first thing to know about dental benefits is that most plans run on a calendar year meaning that benefits begin in January and end in December.

Your plan also has a yearly maximum ranging from $1000 to $2000. This is the most that your insurance plan will pay for your treatment each year. Because these dollars don’t roll over into next year’s benefits, if you don’t use them by the end of December, you will lose them.

What does this mean? That right now is the best time to take advantage of your dental benefits. Contact your dentist to determine if you have had two cleanings and checkups and completed any treatment that was recommended this year before your benefits run out and you lose your dollars.

Why Preventive Care Is so Important

Because dentistry is focused on prevention, most typical dental plans will cover your six-month cleaning and checkup appointments at 100%. Since there is little to no out-of-pocket cost for you, it is to your advantage to utilize this benefit and visit your dentist twice each year. Preventive care helps you avoid more significant problems such as tooth decay and cavities because your dentist can detect these concerns early on.

When tooth decay is detected, and you are proactive about treating it right away it can typically be treated with a simple dental filling. Ignoring tooth decay could result in the need for a more significant and costly procedure. A filling is a less complicated procedure and won’t require recovery time or missed days at work.

Do You Have More Questions?

Your dentist in San Ramon is happy to answer any questions you have about your dental insurance, what it covers, and what treatment or appointments you should schedule before the end of the year.

About Oak Ridge Dental

Dr. Rashpal Deol has been providing patients in San Ramon, CA with exceptional dental care for many years. With extensive skills and training in many advanced fields of dentistry, Dr. Deol is able to offer his patients comprehensive care under one roof. Patients appreciate the warm and friendly environment they encounter when they choose Oak Ridge Dental as their dental home.

If you would like to contact Dr. Deol, he can be reached by calling 925-735-6190 or through his website.

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