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What Happens if My Dental Crown is Loose?

December 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 7:12 pm

Woman with nice smileDo you have a dental crown? If so, this restoration protects and strengthens your tooth that has been previously decayed or damaged. Dental crowns in San Ramos are incredibly durable, but it is possible for them to become loose. This can startle many patients, so it’s best to know what to do if this problem occurs. Keep reading to learn why your dental crown may become unstable and the next steps you can take to ensure the safety of your smile.

Why is Your Dental Crown Loose?

While your dental crowns are designed to be incredibly strong and stable, they can become loose for these common reasons:

  • It’s old and breaking down
  • You constantly grind or clench your teeth
  • Your crown is broken due to trauma
  • You have tooth decay from poor oral hygiene
  • The crown was nudged loose while it was being placed
  • You consume a lot of sticky foods

What to Do Next

A loose crown qualifies as a dental emergency, and in some cases, it can lead to serious pain. That’s why it’s vital to know and understand your next steps should this issue occur. It’s important not to panic but knowing what to do next could save you from serious discomfort. Here are some tips on how to handle an unstable dental crown:

Call Your Dentist

Your first move should be to call your dentist right away and tell them that you have a loose crown. You’ll be able to set up an appointment, where they will carefully examine your smile and treat your loosened crown. They will also evaluate the extent of the damage and if there are any other issues.

Do Not Disturb the Crown

If your crown is unstable but hasn’t fallen out, be sure not to touch or wiggle it. When eating, be sure to chew on the side of your mouth that doesn’t have the dental crown. If you chew on your loose crown, you may cause more damage to your restoration and it can even hurt your gum tissue.

Use Temporary Dental Cement

When a crown becomes loose, you may experience pain or sensitivity, especially to hot or cold temperatures. If you’re not able to see your dentist right away, you can protect your tooth and minimize pain by using dental cement. You can find this product at your local drugstore as a temporary solution. This can hold your crown in place and protect the sensitive inside portion of your tooth, providing temporary relief. If you’re in a real bind, you can even use sugarless gum to cover the affected area, but this will only work for a few hours.

If your crown becomes unstable, don’t panic! Remember these next steps to keep your smile healthy and protected.

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Rashpal Deol is an experienced dentist with a passion for helping his patients smile. He also provides emergency dental care, which is why he wants you to pass along some useful information for how to keep your smile safe. For any questions, he can be reached through his website or by phone at (925) 735-6190.

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